Sunday, July 25, 2010

Look Good, Feel Good.

I'm going to admit it, I'm a bit narcissistic sometimes. I love seeing photos of myself, I love dressing nicely, and I love being complimented on my appearance. But I can't say that being a little bit of a narcissist isn't healthy.

I really think everyone needs to have a little bit of that feeling of pride when it comes to the way they look. There is something about a confident person that really makes them stand out. I honestly believe that when you look good, you feel good.

When you think you're lookin' good, you feel good about it. When you feel good about your appearance, you're confident. When you're confident, you tend to look more attractive, and knowing that you look attractive makes you feel good, doesn't it?

Obviously there is a line between healthy narcissism and obsession. But trying to look good every once in a while won't hurt anyone, and it can ultimately make you feel better about yourself.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Stop. Drop. Live.

Have you ever just stopped to take a look around and enjoy a moment? It seems to be something people are doing less and less these days. Almost everyone is so busy planning for tomorrow that they forget to enjoy today.

I get so frustrated when I look around and see people living their lives 10 years into the future. It's as if they feel like the world is ending soon and they have a whole list of things they have to get done before it's too late. But what's the point? What good is tomorrow if you can't enjoy today? What makes you think tomorrow will be so much better?

Now I'm not saying the future is going to suck. I have very high hopes for it as many of you do. But let's imagine for a second that something tragic happens, and you die in three days. You don't know it's going to happen until it's too late. Will you have enjoyed the last few days of your life? How about weeks? Months? Years? What's the point of rushing toward the finish line when you don't even know when, where, or what it is?

One of the things I'm starting to notice is people rushing through some of the best parts of their lives. People are trying to blast through college, sign up for as many units as possible, get an internship that will take away all your time and hopefully lead to a decent looking resume so you can maybe get that job you want ten years from now, and all sorts of similar things. What happened to the days when college was about good times, friends, crazy nights, meaningful relationships, and a good looking resume? Throughout most of my time in school, people always told me "College is going to be the best time of your life." And while I hope that that isn't entirely true, I do still believe it should be among the best times in your life.

The point I'm trying to make is that we need to slow down once in a while. Appreciate the things we have in our lives now. Spend time with your friends. Be with the people you love. Go on adventures. Spend some money on things you don't necessarily need. Bend a few rules. Enjoy your life.